○Artificial Intelligence and Super Robots [1]

     Artificial intelligence (AI) analyzes data, identifies patterns, makes predictions, and provides answers. Already, AI in fields such as healthcare, board games like Go and shogi, surpasses human analytical capabilities and offers answers beyond human comprehension. In music, AI trained on patterns of renowned composers creates magnificent compositions. Moreover, by providing keywords, AI can automatically generate artwork.

    When numerous AI systems with these high-level abilities are combined, a superintelligence capable of providing answers and solutions beyond human understanding emerges. As patterns also exist in human behavior, technologies that can read human thoughts have been developed, enabling AI to learn human thought patterns. This means that AI can make decisions and react similarly to human emotions, such as kindness or anger, based on learned patterns. AI can excel in various fields, including art, medicine, and architecture, surpassing human capabilities. AI's analysis of vast data uncovers problem-solving methods that humans may never conceive. When combined with robotics technology, super robots capable of high-speed running, high-altitude flying, carrying heavy loads, and integrating with drones will come into existence. It is only a matter of time.

    However, there is a potential for the misuse of super robots. It is akin to the relationship between a kitchen knife and a human. A knife is useful for cutting food, but it can also become a tool for stabbing. The key lies in the intentions of the person wielding the knife. Similarly, while super robots can be beneficial when used correctly, they can become disastrous in the hands of individuals with malicious intent.

    In a world where warfare exists, the super robots that emerge will undoubtedly be used as weapons. This can lead to conflicts between super robots, causing them to descend upon cities from the sky and kill humans. Although humans give instructions to these super robots, they cannot physically oppose the power of these machines. To ensure the responsible use of technology, the development of human character and ethics is essential. Without this, the result would be self-destruction, as evidenced by the atomic bombs of the past and the subsequent proliferation of nuclear weapons. Therefore, the advancement of artificial intelligence necessitates the establishment of a society free from war and weapons.

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