Chapter 5: Education ○Education in Prout Village

 In Prout Village, education is centered around three main pillars:

    Acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for self-sufficiency and community governance. From a young age, children learn practical skills such as natural farming methods, the production of everyday items, and literacy through hands-on experiences in daily life.

    Learning how to learn and engaging in activities driven by curiosity. By following their curiosity, residents naturally encounter various subjects to learn about, leading to the development of talents, suitable vocations, and fulfilling occupations. These experiences become a deep well of knowledge and contribute to personal growth.

    Understanding no-mind and the nature of the ego. No-mind serves as the source of intuition, guiding individuals towards the right path in life. Ignorance about the nature of the ego ("I") is what leads to human suffering.

    These aspects of education are primarily learned through group activities, such as circles or clubs, rather than within the traditional framework of schools.

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