
     When you reach high-quality long-term memory, your body can move without thinking, giving you a sense of composure. This composure allows your mind to be calm, making it easier to notice intuition and generate ideas. Let's consider this in the context of soccer, for example.

    When a beginner stops a rolling ball with their foot, their mind is fully focused on stopping the ball. As they become an intermediate player, they check the surrounding situation before stopping the ball accurately. Advanced players simultaneously confirm the surroundings, stop the ball, and take the first step towards dribbling to the opponent's goal. Furthermore, even more advanced players check the surroundings and manage to dribble past one opponent with their first step after stopping the ball.

    This is just one example, but as the basic technique of stopping the ball improves, more composure is gained, and numerous ideas stemming from a single technique are born. Speed and accuracy also increase. All advanced players have a high level of foundational skills, while beginners have a low level. There are differences in the basic levels even among advanced players, which result in differences in the combined application techniques, speed, decision-making, and composure, ultimately leading to different overall levels.

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