○Consciousness [1]

     Consciousness is silence, harmony, refinement, beauty, love, gentleness, comfort, joy, fun, peace, purity, innocence, no-mind, intuition, inspiration, curiosity, insight, realization, wisdom, growth, universality, essence, eternity, omnipotence, all, knowing everything, accepting everything, encompassing everything, having a vast vessel, being free, being unconfined, including the ego, being both good and evil, being neither good nor evil, being both light and darkness, being neither light nor darkness, being neither male nor female, but including both, making no distinction, having no beginning or end, having no time, having no color, shape, or smell, but including all these, existing before the birth of the universe, being the consciousness of humans, being singular, being life, being the soul, including temporary entities like the universe, matter, and ego, containing existence and nonexistence, containing everything while being nothing.

    Just as the sweetness of sugar cannot be fully conveyed through verbal description, consciousness cannot be fully explained in words. Just to be as consciousness.

    To be as consciousness, try the following. Close your eyes, slowly inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Focus your consciousness on this breath. When you focus your consciousness on your breath, you can intentionally stop your thoughts, and during that time, you become mindful. At that time, only consciousness remains in your head, so be conscious of that consciousness. It's also called becoming aware of consciousness. At that time, there are no thoughts, so there is no desire, no suffering, and no "I" ego. The ego is the thought. In this way, always be aware of consciousness and be as consciousness.

    Not only focusing your consciousness on your breath, but also when you concentrate on one task in sports or art, you become mindful. People feel comfortable and happy with actions that make them mindful, like sleep. Consciousness is also about comfort and joy. The joy referred to here is not about the temporary and extreme emotion of utmost happiness.

    Playing mindfully like a child is fun. That is a state without thoughts. Consciousness is also fun.

    When humans engage in pure creation, there is intuition beforehand. This intuition arrives during a state of no-mind consciousness. In essence, something arises from emptiness. Existence arises because emptiness is present. The creation of the universe, too, was brought forth by consciousness that was emptiness, creating the universe as something through the Big Bang. Essentially, before the universe, only consciousness existed.

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