○Consciousness [19]

     Intuitive flashes and ideas are forgotten quickly like dreams. It's better to make a note of them right away.

    When you're creating something in a state of no-mind, there comes a moment of intuitive realization that there's nothing more to do. That's the moment of completion at that time. However, when you look at it the next day, you may see something new to do.

    The mind cannot think about two things at the same time. If you want to maximize your ability in that moment, focus on one thing.

    Even when working in a state of no-mind, you are still using your thoughts. However, if you overly depend on your thoughts to create, you'll end up creating something old. This is because it's not intuitive but made from past memories. As a result, you may become bored in the middle of the process and want to quit.

    Everyone's current situation contains things that they should do or learn from their perspective. Some people may already recognize this, while others realize it later. Some people may not notice at all and repeat similar situations many times. When the bondage to the ego is strong, there are many complaints and the current situation is not directly faced. The weaker the bondage, the more you see the situation from the perspective of what it's trying to make you realize.

    There are times when the door of life closes. This is a period of learning brought about by consciousness. Then, there will be no development externally, and you cannot open the door yourself. The only things you can do at that time are to wait until it opens naturally and to prepare for when it opens. When you're ready, the door will open.

    There are times when your first impression of a new environment is "I've come to an unbelievable place. This is not where I should be," and you're not immediately able to get out of that situation. After that, it can lead to a period of significant growth in mental aspects.

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