○Ego [10]

     The more the ego diminishes, the more independent a person becomes. Thus, the dependence on others decreases. However, everyone has an ego and therefore a sense of dependency, which can make human relationships tiring. Therefore, it's necessary to consider distance. Some relationships work well because you only meet once every few months. Some relationships work better when you meet every day. Even if you meet every day, a relationship may work well if you only meet for 2 hours a day, but it may become stressful if it becomes 8 hours. Even with a lover, there are times when you want to be alone after spending several days together. Considering the frequency of meeting based on the compatibility with the other person can reduce problems in relationships, whether it's with family, a lover, or friends.

    Being conscious means to be independent. Dependence on others also comes from thought, such as wanting to be with someone because you feel lonely, or always asking the same person for help.

    The higher the degree of dependence in a relationship, the easier it deteriorates, whether in work or interpersonal relationships.

    While humans seem to be choosing their own lives, they are actually unconsciously repeating actions influenced by past memories. Women who are often cheated on tend to always choose men likely to cheat. Men who get into debt often fall into situations where they repeatedly get into debt.

    Bullies have something in common. They are people with a strong ego of "I". Those who are more captive to the ego and bully others often engage in aggressive behavior such as violence. Because they only see themselves, their ability to empathize with others' pain is low.

    People with strong egos tend to have more likes and dislikes of others, which can cause exclusion and division within an organization.

    People with bad personalities are aware that they have unpleasant personalities, but they can't easily change themselves. This is because they are not aware that they are being swayed by thoughts that occur unconsciously every day.

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