○First and foremost, it is necessary to recommend individuals who possess integrity, followed by competence [1]

     In recommendation elections, the focus is on selecting individuals of exemplary character. Therefore, the selection criteria prioritize "person of integrity." A person of integrity typically exhibits the following characteristics:

・High self-management and self-discipline

・Serious-mindedness, while also understanding humor

・Diligently pursues self-set goals

・Completes tasks until the end

・Consistency between words and actions, thereby earning the trust of others

・Minimal feelings of inferiority

・Stable emotions with few fluctuations

・Maintains a pleasant demeanor and composure

・Leaves a positive and refreshing impression

・Independent and unaffected by the opinions of others

・Treats individuals, regardless of gender or physical characteristics, with equal respect

・Displays no sycophantic behavior

・Proficient in conversing with people from various backgrounds

・Projects a bright and cheerful impression

・Capable of teamwork and considers the well-being of others

・Assists others in their failures

・Acts with a focus on the greater good rather than self-interest

・Values etiquette

・Neither accepts nor offers bribes

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