○First and foremost, it is necessary to recommend individuals who possess integrity, followed by competence [4]

     In a monetary society, such examples are often observed. It is a situation where the leader's character is not favorable, but their work results prevent others from raising any objections. Creating such an organizational culture causes suffering for those involved.

    If among the candidates for recommendation, there is an individual who is sincere but lacks competence and fails to garner attention from others, or someone with considerable competence but lacks sincerity, it is important to prioritize individuals who possess both good character and reasonable abilities. Under no circumstances should a self-centered and competent individual with a lack of sincerity be recommended as a leader. While short-term results may be achieved, it will not lead to a positive and lasting organizational atmosphere.

    If there are multiple individuals who are both sincere and competent, it is advisable to choose someone who has experienced setbacks and challenging situations. Going through challenging situations is a tightrope walk where failure can lead to death or collapse. However, those who overcome these challenges develop greater maturity and composure, resulting in resilience, discernment, kindness, and patience. Such individuals do not give up in the face of adversity and consistently lead the organization. Challenging situations are not the worst-case scenarios but rather excellent opportunities for leaders to experience significant personal growth, and encountering such opportunities can also be attributed to good fortune.

    Taking these experiences into account, it is even better if the individual engages in long-term contemplation. Through contemplation, one can clarify their own ideologies, philosophies of success, and methods of talent development, which can be easily understood and explained to others.

    In Prout Village, where there is no money, the motivations of each leader are rooted in the internal desire to contribute to others and society and find fulfillment. Only those who can sustain themselves by giving first before receiving are in a position to lead, and through this, they naturally earn respect from those around them. An ideal leader in Prout Village fulfills the following criteria:

・Experience of setbacks and challenging situations
・Long-term contemplation

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