○Genetic Editing

     The human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells, each containing DNA in the form of a double helix. Genes, comprising about 2% of this DNA, contain the blueprints for organs, eyes, and other aspects of the body's design. The analysis of the remaining 98% of DNA, previously believed to contain no significant blueprints, has improved with advancements in DNA analysis technology. This portion holds information related to physical characteristics, personality, talents, and the causes of diseases. Through genetic editing, utilizing artificial intelligence and DNA analysis, it becomes possible to cut, replace, or modify specific locations within DNA for the purpose of treating diseases. This advancement is predicted to bring humanity closer to a world without diseases and potentially extend lifespans. It is also contemplated to manipulate genes at the embryonic stage, creating designer babies with desired appearances, physical abilities, and intelligence. This technology is subject to both approval and disapproval.

    Similar to artificial intelligence, genetic editing itself is neither inherently good nor bad; it is merely a tool. It is akin to a knife, where its morality depends on the intentions of the user. Genetic editing does not directly relate to overcoming the ego, which is the recommended purpose of human life according to Prout Village. However, not everyone is immediately interested or capable of pursuing a state of no-mind. Therefore, Prout Village provides the following answers:

・If the negative impact affects only the individual, the decision is left to the individual's free will. However, if the negative impact extends to others or future generations, discussion becomes necessary.

・To this end, Prout Village compiles the experiences of those who have undergone genetic editing, learning from the pros and cons in advance.

・Genetic editing can be pursued based on these considerations, and any subsequent discord or suffering can be viewed as an opportunity for no-mind.

・After observing the results over a few years, reassessment can be conducted by Prout Village.

    The hardships experienced in life are not enemies; rather, they serve as valuable opportunities to realize the importance of no-mind. The root cause of all suffering in life lies in thoughts, which are derived from past memories. Therefore, they can only be eliminated through no-mind. While diseases may be cured, and enjoyable experiences may arise from abilities or appearances, as long as thoughts stemming from the ego persist, other forms of suffering will remain. Additionally, humans are driven by curiosity, finding satisfaction and mental growth through experiences of the unknown, resulting in increased knowledge and diminished attachment. Considering these factors, as long as one does not cause significant inconvenience to others, it becomes a matter of individual responsibility.

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