○Intuition [2]

     To achieve no-mind, it is beneficial to have uninterrupted time alone, solitude, and idle time. Although solitude may carry negative impressions such as loneliness or emptiness from lacking friends, it is suitable for gaining intuition and improving one's spiritual state.

    Grasping intuition is a very simple act. It is not about actively thinking, but rather about becoming aware of the ideas that naturally arise during moments of no-mind and simply following them. Intuition is instantly prepared within the mind.

    In sports, for example, there are many great plays that occur through intuitive movements of the body. Just before these plays, there is a flash of insight that says, "This is what I should do," and when acted upon, it always yields positive results. Rather than actively executing it, it is more accurate to say that the body moves naturally. Conversely, when consumed by anxiety or fear, one cannot execute good plays. Similarly, in the process of creating something, it turns out well when done with no-mind. Following intuitive actions and ways of living leads to positive outcomes. It is the intrinsic way of living for all living beings, including humans, where their inherent abilities are maximized. Therefore, becoming mindful also means quietly doing nothing, allowing intuition to enter that space and acting accordingly.

    If a person is engaged in something that suits them, they are more likely to have a strong intuition compared to other activities. They naturally gain confidence, become poised, and become charismatic. This is what we call finding one's calling or suitable occupation. On the other hand, if they pursue other things, they may only display ordinary abilities. Therefore, it is important for everyone to explore and discover their own strengths and interests. By approaching activities with the curiosity of a child, they are more likely to find their calling or suitable occupation. Even as adults, it is often found in the realm of hobbies. Finding one's calling or suitable occupation is a form of self-expression and brings joy. However, in the case of a calling, it involves a sense of mission where one is willing to dedicate their life and even sacrifice oneself without expecting much in return, while a suitable occupation may seek certain rewards, such as financial compensation. That is the difference between the two.

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