○Intuition [1]

     During moments of no-mind, human beings gain intuition and express it through various forms of skills or creativity. Whether it's called intuition, insight, ideas, or inspiration, they all originate from becoming aware within one's own mind.

    Engaging in something often leads to deeper thinking. However, when we are driven by self-centered desires and forcibly searching for answers, the ideas that arise during such moments often prove to be less than ideal upon reflection. On the other hand, when we think from a place of purity, such as considering the well-being of others or society, it is beneficial to delve deeper into our thoughts.

    After thorough consideration, a change of pace becomes necessary. However, this change of pace should come after exhausting all possible thoughts. The concept of exhausting thoughts refers to reaching a point where the brain feels twisted or unable to think any further, where there are no more elements to explore. If there are elements within ourselves that can still be explored, true inspirations cannot emerge. It is essential to push our thinking and reach the limit of our thoughts and knowledge. By doing so and then taking a break to change our pace, ideas that surpass those limits may come to mind.

    Methods of changing pace vary for each individual, but sleep has a significant effect. One can feed the brain with a wealth of information, explore ideas until the brain becomes tired and unable to process further, and then sleep. During sleep, the information in the brain organizes itself. Upon awakening, the mind feels refreshed, and solutions may suddenly emerge. This is one of the brain's inherent characteristics, where there are three stages: input, organization (no-mind or chilling), and output. Those who realize and utilize this process take a moment before taking a break or at the end of the day to consolidate the problems they will tackle next. Ideas may surface after the break or overnight sleep. Even a 30-minute nap can be sufficient. Sleep should not be viewed as an unproductive or frivolous act, but rather an effective means of gaining intuition. It is also possible to experience moments of no-mind and intuition when taking a shower. However, by intentionally setting aside time for introspection and consolidation, the space for no-mind is created, allowing intuition to enter.

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