○Microchip Implants in the Body

     There is an idea to implant microchips in the brain or body to connect humans with each other, as well as with the internet and electronic devices. This is believed to grant humans abilities beyond their natural capabilities, such as telepathic communication and enhanced cognitive abilities. On the other hand, there is also the potential danger of the mind being controlled and manipulated through these microchips. Considering common perception, most people would likely reject the act of implanting microchips in their bodies. In Prout Village, where maintaining the natural state of both humans and the environment is fundamental, the implantation of microchips is not encouraged. However, there may be cases where individuals with physical disabilities, such as those who have lost their vision, desire vision restoration through such technology. In such cases, it becomes a matter of individual responsibility and personal judgment. Nevertheless, if someone were to begin imposing such technologies on others, it would become a problem, and discussions would need to be initiated toward finding a resolution.

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