○Organizations and Leaders [1]

     The more sincere people there are in an organization, the more harmonious and friendly the atmosphere becomes. Sincerity is a trait shown by those who are less ensnared by their ego, or those who exist as consciousness. Conversely, when an organization consists of many individuals with strong egos, it becomes uncooperative, lacks harmony, and increases in corruption and discord.

    People do not desire conflict or war. If conflict arises, the ego wants to defeat the other side and remain unscathed. The opponent has the same thought. Therefore, it's best if conflict does not occur at all. For this, we need to choose leaders who do not have internal conflicts, at all levels and in all places. Otherwise, leaders with strong egos will appear, prioritize their own safety, and start conflicts. This creates anxiety in the surroundings, increases the number of armed individuals, heightens tension, and escalates the conflict. Recognizing this vicious cycle by people worldwide is the first step towards electing good leaders.

    Citizens consider the military an organization to protect their country and its people. However, if the leader of the country is a person strongly ensnared by their ego, like a dictator, the military can become a threat to the people. For example, they may arrest or shoot those who oppose their policies. In other words, the military, intended to protect them, can also become a threat. Therefore, it's better not to have a military at all.

    When a dictator with a strong ego becomes a leader, they act for their own benefit and ignore the opinions of the people. When someone who exists as consciousness becomes a leader, they act for the common good and respect the opinions of the people. Any other leader would lie somewhere in between.

    When a person with a strong ego becomes a leader, they will do anything to maintain their position. As a result, they never retire and try to stay in power by changing the law if necessary. If this person is a dictator, they will rule with fear, people will be attacked by the military, and they will be unable to resist. People must be careful in choosing their leaders.

    Dictators issue laws to their citizens prohibiting criticism of themselves and their countries. This is an egoistic action to protect "me."

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